5 Essential Steps in computer crime and cyber crime Defense

Introduction :

Computer crime and cyber crime is today’s most burning problem. News is seen, heard and read every day. Cyber criminals here have targeted individuals, organizations, countries and even space telescopes. Most computer crime and cyber crime are being carried out to harm others and for their own benefit.

First of all, who are these Cyber Thieves?

Cyber thieves is a person or group of people who has good knowledge of internet, networking, programming or technology. They are very educated people. But nowadays even people with less information are misusing mobile, email and social media to cheat people.

Objective of cyber criminals:

Since they are mostly causing harm to others and are engaged in pursuing their own interests, they are kept in the category of criminals. Their main objective has been to make profit through this crime. This profit is earned either through fraud, or by hacking the system to steal data, or by extorting money in return.

Computer crime and cyber crime has taken a very serious form today, because the types of cyber crimes are increasing and changing day by day. The methods of computer crime and cyber crime are changing, which is becoming very difficult to understand in many ways.

According to the cyber security report, three sectors – healthcare, education, research and utilities  have been most affected in the last six months in India.

According to a news, ISRO is facing more than 100 computer crime and cyber crime every day.

Not only this, many major astronomical observatories of the world by NASA have faced cyber fraud cases. Due to which the work will be halted for several days if it is attacked.

Cyber criminals have today made computer crime and cyber crime a business. Due to which today their attacks are also becoming sophisticated.

Today we can classify computer crime and cyber crime attacks as:

1. Ransomware Attacks:

After software, hardware and firmware, a technology called ransomware has developed in which the criminal enters the server through a program and encrypts the file or several files present there. He then demands a ransom to decrypt the affected file or files and restore them to their original state is a good  example of a server crime.

2. Phishing :

In such attacks, the cyber thieves send messages through email and SMS and tries to get the user to open the links or attachments sent by him and becomes the victim of this attack. This fake message is sent in the name of a reputed company, bank or institution. Its main objective is to select users by finding their personal information like user ID, password, mobile number, address, bank account number, ATM/debit or credit card number or their PIN number or date of birth etc.

3. Phone calls:

Nowadays, these crimes have increased a lot, in which a gang of cyber thieves, posing as middlemen in the name of bank, insurance, credit card or any institution, cheats the consumer by finding out the PIN code of the ATM. Password, Aadhar Card. Nowadays, less educated people are also joining this gang and doing this work from any place like small village or city.

4. Malicious Apps:

Nowadays new Android and iOS apps are being created every day. But these malicious apps are taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of the mobile device server crime to steal data and are becoming a threat to the users by damaging the device.

This is not the end of the list of cyber attacks. In addition, DNS tunneling, DNS spoofing, SQL injection, jailbreaking and rooting, OS exploitation and many others also pose significant risks.

Now , before understanding the defense strategies, it is necessary to differentiate between computer crime and cyber crime. Computer crime may involve illegal activities at the local level, while cyber crime extends to crimes committed across the vast digital realm.

As our dependence on digital platforms increases, so does the risk of becoming a victim of computer crime and cyber crime. In other words, as we use more digital stuff, there’s a higher chance bad people so called cyber thieves might try to harm us online. In our connected world, info is precious, so we need to protect ourselves.

Here, we talk about five easy things you can do for cyber crime Defense.

Computer crime and cyber crime Defense:

1.Keeping Software and Systems Updated

Using outdated software and systems is like leaving your door open to cyber thieves online. Keep your stuff safe and prevention of cyber crimes & fraud management regularly updating your software and adding security patches.

This not only makes you safer but also helps your digital goods remain robust against new threats. Cyber criminals usually use easy methods like outdated software, weak passwords and insecure networks. Detecting and fixing these crime is the first step to keeping yourself safe online.

2.Investing in Advanced Security Technologies

We need advanced security technologies to stay safe from cyber threats. Things like firewalls and detection systems help a lot for this. Even with good security, things can go wrong. It is important to have a plan for when this will happen. Fast and organized responses help to fix things quickly and get back to normal.

3.Educating and Training Personnel

People sometimes make mistakes online and this can cause problems. It is very important to educate and train everyone about staying safe online. Awareness programs help people know and prevent potential problems, making them the first line of defense.

Today people are getting information through various mediums that they should not give their important and personal information to anyone.

Using smart passwords alone is not enough against online problems. Adding additional security, such as using more than one way to prove who you are, makes it more secure.

4.Collaborating with Law Enforcement

To effectively combat cyber crime, it is important for individuals, organizations and authorities to cooperate closely. This means building strong relationships with law enforcement agencies.

When there is a good relationship between people affected by cyber crime and the police, it becomes easier to share important information about online threats. By working together, both parties can combine their efforts to catch and stop cyber criminals, making the digital world safer for everyone.

This collaboration ensures a more coordinated and effective response to the ever-evolving challenges arising from cyber threats.

5.Monitoring and Analyzing Threat Intelligence

To stay safe online, we need to keep an eye on what is causing harm online. Seeing and understanding their moves helps us change our defenses to stay one step ahead and be prepared for new ways they may try to harm us.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. Is cyber insurance necessary for small businesses?

Cyber insurance is essential for all businesses, regardless of size. It provides financial protection and support in the aftermath of a cyber incident.

2. How often should security audits be conducted?

Security audits should be conducted regularly, at least annually, to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in a timely manner.

3. What is the role of employees in cybersecurity defense?

Workers are vital in being the initial defense against threats. Educating and training them on cybersecurity best practices is vital.

4. Why is collaborating with law enforcement important in cybersecurity?

Collaboration with law enforcement facilitates information exchange and joint efforts to apprehend cybercriminals, strengthening overall cybersecurity efforts.

5. Can a strong cybersecurity culture mitigate the risk of social engineering attacks?

Yes, fostering a cybersecurity culture involves training employees to recognize and respond to social engineering attempts, reducing the risk of falling victim to such attacks.


Thus we see that in the world of online crimes like computer and cyber crimes, it is very important to have a strong defense plan. Following the steps we talked about helps in building a strong strategy. Which can change and adjust as online threats arise.

When we know how online security works and take steps to prevent problems before they happen, both people and organizations can use the Internet more safely and confidently.